Rhinoplasty in Colombia
plastic surgery colombia

Rhinoplasty in Colombia, commonly known as Nose Surgery, represents a specialized branch of plastic surgery performed for both aesthetic enhancement and functional improvement. This procedure, Functional Rhinoplasty, focuses on enhancing nasal functionality, whereas Aesthetic Rhinoplasty aims to modify the nose’s shape for a more pleasing appearance.

see VIDEO Rhinoplasty

While reshaping the nose for aesthetic appeal is the primary reason many opt for Rhinoplasty, this surgery also offers solutions for correcting congenital anomalies and repairing damage from injuries or medical conditions.

Learn about facial Surgerys –  Dr. David Delgado

Rhinoplasty in Colombia

Rhinoplasty in Colombia, commonly known as Nose Surgery, represents a specialized branch of plastic surgery performed for both aesthetic enhancement and functional improvement. This procedure, Functional Rhinoplasty, focuses on enhancing nasal functionality, whereas Aesthetic Rhinoplasty aims to modify the nose’s shape for a more pleasing appearance.

see VIDEO Rhinoplasty

While reshaping the nose for aesthetic appeal is the primary reason many opt for Rhinoplasty, this surgery also offers solutions for correcting congenital anomalies and repairing damage from injuries or medical conditions.

Learn about facial Surgerys –  Dr. David Delgado

Benefits of Rhinoplasty in Colombia

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The nose is one of the most striking parts of the face.

Objectives of Rhinoplasty in Colombia

Dr. David Delgado performs rhinoplasty, or «nose job,» to enhance facial aesthetics by reshaping the size, shape, and symmetry of the nose, while also improving nasal function. This surgery addresses both cosmetic concerns, such as disproportionate nose size or asymmetry, and functional issues, like breathing difficulties due to structural defects. Dr. Delgado’s expertise ensures that each rhinoplasty procedure results in a balanced, natural appearance and improved respiratory health, aligning with the patient’s individual facial structure and aesthetic goals.


Dr. David Delgado performs Rhinoplasty, or «nose job,» to enhance facial aesthetics by reshaping the size, shape, and symmetry of the nose, while also improving nasal function. This surgery addresses both cosmetic concerns, such as disproportionate nose size or asymmetry, and functional issues, like breathing difficulties due to structural defects. Dr. Delgado’s expertise ensures that each rhinoplasty procedure results in a balanced, natural appearance and improved respiratory health, aligning with the patient’s individual facial structure and aesthetic goals.

Learn about : RITIDOPLASTY

Dr. David Delgado performs rhinoplasty, or «nose job,» to enhance facial aesthetics by reshaping the size, shape, and symmetry of the nose, while also improving nasal function. This surgery addresses both cosmetic concerns, such as disproportionate nose size or asymmetry, and functional issues, like breathing difficulties due to structural defects. Dr. Delgado’s expertise ensures that each rhinoplasty procedure results in a balanced, natural appearance and improved respiratory health, aligning with the patient’s individual facial structure and aesthetic goals.

Learn about : RITIDOPLASTY

How is the Rhinoplasty procedure?

Our skilled surgeons employ precision techniques, commencing with carefully placed incisions that allow for the delicate reshaping of bone and cartilage beneath. This meticulous process ensures the enhancement of your nose’s appearance, seamlessly aligning with your distinctive facial features. In select instances, we may integrate custom-designed implants to further refine and elevate the aesthetic appeal of your nose, ensuring a harmonious and natural result. Trust us to transform your vision into reality with our expert rhinoplasty services.

How Long Does It Take to See Rhinoplasty Results?


How is the Rhinoplasty procedure?

The Dr. David Delgado surgical approach combines traditional and ultrasonic rhinoplasty techniques. Traditional methods involve closed or open incisions, while ultrasonic rhinoplasty uses ultrasonic energy for precise bone reshaping, offering less tissue trauma. This technique effectively adjusts nasal structure, corrects deviations, and refines the nasal tip. Postoperative care focuses on recovery and achieving natural, harmonious results tailored to each patient’s facial features.

How Long Does It Take to See Rhinoplasty Results?

Rhinoplasty is the most frequent procedure to improve facial features. During this surgery, the nose's structure is changed to give it a more attractive and natural shape while improving or keeping its function.

Do you want to make an Appointment?

If you are outside of Medellín or Colombia, we can schedule your virtual consultation and tell you about our plans for your recovery and medical tourism.

Rhinoplasty in Colombia: Surgery time and Recovery

  • Surgery Time

    The procedure takes two or three hours.

  • Anesthesia

    General Anesthesia

  • Incapacity:

    1 – 2 weeks.

  • Recovery Time

    Recovery Time: 3 - 7 days

  • Results

    6 Months

Cirugías Faciales

Make an Appointment - Plastic Surgeon Medellín Dr David Delgado.

Rhinoplasty Results Before and After

Where to do the Post Operative?

Learn about Clinica Be Dharma, an aesthetic clinic located in the Intermédica Tower in Medellín. Here, you can have your post-op and improve the results of your surgery.

Learn about all our non-surgical treatments. Clinica Be Dharma has the most advanced technology for body contouring and facial rejuvenation. 

Cirugías para Hombres en Medellín

Rhinoplasty in Medellín

Rhinoplasty, also known as «nose reshaping surgery,» is a popular cosmetic procedure that can improve the appearance and function of your nose. The Rhinoplasty objective is to create a natural-looking nose that balances with your other facial features.

Dr. David Delgado is a highly qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who offers safe and affordable Rhinoplasty surgery in Medellin, Colombia. With over 15 years of experience performing this procedure, patients can trust that they are in good hands with Dr. Delgado. Contact his office today to schedule your consultation and determine if rhinoplasty is the right choice for you.

FAQ's Rhinoplatsy in Colombia

A nose job, or rhinoplasty, surgically reshapes the nose for functional or aesthetic reasons. The main objectives include improving breathing, correcting congenital or trauma-related issues, and enhancing the nose’s appearance.

Open rhinoplasty involves making a small incision under the nose between the nostrils, providing surgeons with a direct view of the nasal structures. Its advantages include more precise modifications, better visualization for complex procedures, and generally more predictable outcomes.

Closed rhinoplasty involves incisions made inside the nostrils with no external cuts. It differs from open rhinoplasty in that it typically results in less swelling, a shorter recovery time, and no visible scarring. However, it offers limited access and visualization compared to open rhinoplasty.

Surgeons perform functional rhinoplasty to improve nasal function, often addressing breathing issues caused by structural abnormalities such as a deviated septum. Doctors recommend functional rhinoplasty for individuals who experience breathing difficulties, chronic sinusitis, or snoring caused by nasal obstructions.

Aesthetic rhinoplasty focuses on enhancing the nose’s appearance to create facial harmony and balance. Benefits include improved self-confidence, correction of perceived imperfections, and a nose shape that complements other facial features.

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty uses ultrasonic energy to precisely reshape the nasal bones, minimizing trauma to surrounding tissues. This innovation leads to less bruising and swelling, more accuracy in bone reshaping, and potentially a faster recovery.

A good candidate for rhinoplasty is generally someone in good overall health with realistic expectations and specific goals for nose reshaping. A thorough evaluation by a qualified surgeon, including a medical history and physical examination, is essential.

Risks include bleeding, infection, anesthesia complications, dissatisfaction with results, and the need for revision surgery. Other complications can include difficulty breathing, nasal septum perforation, and scarring.

Recovery typically involves swelling, bruising, and discomfort for the first week. Most patients return to work within 10–14 days. Avoid strenuous activities for 4-6 weeks. The final results may take up to a year to fully develop.

Functional rhinoplasty can significantly improve breathing by correcting structural issues. However, any rhinoplasty carries a risk of nasal obstruction if not performed correctly, emphasizing the importance of choosing an experienced surgeon.

Surgeons often recommend ultrasonic rhinoplasty for patients who need precise bone work, such as significant hump reduction or complex reconstructive procedures. It’s particularly beneficial for those seeking a more controlled and gentle approach to bone reshaping.

Considerations include facial symmetry, skin thickness, ethnic characteristics, and overall facial balance. The goal is to achieve a natural-looking result that harmonizes with other facial features.

Doctors typically manage pain by prescribing pain relievers or recommending over-the-counter options. Cold compresses, head elevation, and avoiding strenuous activities can reduce swelling. Following the surgeon’s post-operative instructions is crucial for minimizing discomfort.

While initial swelling subsides within a few weeks, the final shape of the nose may take up to a year to fully refine, especially in cases of thick skin or major structural changes.

Choosing a qualified and experienced surgeon is crucial. Follow pre- and post-operative instructions carefully, including avoiding certain medications and activities. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and having realistic expectations also contribute to optimal outcomes.